Tuesday, May 11, 2010

So, I am taking my son to get his drivers license today. That is scary....one, I am not sure I am old enough to have a son who is legally old enough to drive on his own, heck, drive at all! And two, now I get a whole new stress to add to my life! Ok, ok, so I dont have to drive him back and forth to work, and take him places, but he is gonna be out there in the wide world of crazy drivers, alone..or with friends, listening to loud music.....yikes!
He does have his own car....he is paying for it, he is paying for the insurance...he saved up a good chunk of money for the down payment. I would have loved to do this for him, but am but a poor single woman! But he did it on his own, anad I think that has given him a huge sense of pride, and he beams when he talks about it. I am proud of him for that.

My toe is healing nicely...pretty sure it broke, if the 1st fight with the metal pole didnt do it, then the 2nd one with my coffee table did the trick..but what can you do? It is a pinky toe....the only difference now is that the swelling has caused it to touch the ground, something it has never done! And it is a rather pretty shade of purple....can always dress to match!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

So, not ever done any sort of blogging before...have read a few, but usually ones that have baking stuff, cos I love to bake. I guess it is kind of like a diary, before everything went digital, now , instead of writing it down, I type it down.
First off, I would like to wish all the mums out there a happy mothers day. I am a mother myself....I have 4 kids, 3 teenage boys, one 5 yr old daughter. My life is crazy and hectic, and stressful........I am not one of those people that would say, I wouldnt have it any other way, cos I would. I love my kids, wouldnt trade them in for the world, but could do with a little less craziness in my home! So anyway...I am having a fairly quiet day. I have planted the veggies in bigger pots...was beginning to wonder if they were ever gonna make it as they have sat in the seedling pot for so long, and I am sure they are breathing a sigh of relief now that they can spread their roots a bit! But I counted up the tomatoes plants and I have 4 already in the good growing stage, flowers blooming, all that...and 16 seedlings...holy heck, I hope those kids like tomatoes! I am also trying my hand at carrots, peas, beans, corn, blueberries, and grapes. I tend to kill any living plant that is kept in my house within weeks of buying it, but outdoors it seems, mother nature tends to help me out a little more!
I also got to wake up to a homemade strawberry cheescake that my 16 yr old made with his girlfriend....so that made for a delicious surprise breakfast....blew the regular raisin bran out of the water!!!

Basically..that has been my day so far. Fairly quiet, sunny, gorgeous. Not a crazy thing in sight!! I will try my hand at this blogging thing..even if it is just to free my mind of all lifes little agghhhh! moments!